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Community Mask Blue Pin Stripe

£19.50 GBP


Our masks are made by our shirt maker in a specially finished cotton fabric that is liquid repellant, anti perspirant and washable - so reusable. The liquid repellancy means any droplets bead off the mask. There is an internal pocket for a disposable non woven filter for high particle retention.

Each mask comes with 31 disposable filters allowing for a month of wear. The mask should be washed daily after a full day of use at 60 degrees celsius, and a new filter put in for the next's days use when the mask is completely dry.

This mask can be washed up to 30 times. After that, the special liquid repellant finish has been washed off from the mask, and then the masks functions like one made of ordinary cotton, without the special properties.

It is called a "community" mask as it has not received test certificates to classify it as a medical product that would have to be approved by authorised government agencies.

There is no branding, label or embroidery on the mask, as embroidery would make holes in the fabric and reduce its efficacy, labels have not been treated and would be a collection point for viruses. Labels on the inside could be irritating against the skin. Very soft elastic loops and a metal nose piece insert to allow for a close fit against your nose.

We recommend two masks per person so that the washed mask can dry properly.

Limited supply, which we are continually replenishing. One size for adults.